advance the ratchet by one step
advance the ratchet to a given count
get the key data in the ratchet. The returned data is MEGOLM_RATCHET_LENGTH bytes long.
initialize the megolm ratchet. random_data should be at least MEGOLM_RATCHET_LENGTH bytes of randomness.
Pickle the megolm. Returns a pointer to the next free space in the buffer.
Returns the number of bytes needed to store a megolm
Unpickle the megolm. Returns a pointer to the next item in the buffer.
number of parts in the ratchet; the advance() implementations rely on this being 4.
number of bytes in each part of the ratchet; this should be the same as the length of the hash function used in the HMAC (32 bytes for us, as we use HMAC-SHA-256)
The cipher used in megolm-backed conversations